
Spirit blade mountain manga sub indo
Spirit blade mountain manga sub indo

spirit blade mountain manga sub indo

Not that she was a bad actor, but it simply didn't suit her. Whether it was her personality or look, I felt like she took the wrong role. However, it did feel a bit exaggerated at first. I've not read the original novel so I can't really say if they were similar to the novel or not. unless they make a season 2, I felt the plot quite unfinished after finishing the show. There are so many times when I'm like "Uhm, writer? Do you still remember that love line?" But yeah. To put it short, you need to get through a few episodes to get used to the weird concept, but the moment you do, it becomes so good XD. The male lead is someone of modern time who rebirth to the world of this drama and I just love how the lead is also dissing the script so much. The jokes are so bad in a way that's hilarious. The whole drama is just one big comedy with some serious plot in it that will slowly uncover as time passes by. It kind of suits the style of the drama and the synopsis clearly states that the male lead will end up with the female lead. A lot of people call it Queerbaiting but I actually disagree. Like THE most romantic moments EVER! Reading the summery again, I would swear that it's not a gay drama. The two female leads call each other wifey, the two male leads has. Wait a minute, am I watching the right drama?! I remember a lot of people being very confused about the genre of the drama. When I first watched it, the whole time I was like WTF is this? The plot is lame, the jokes are lame, the acting is really exaggerating and.

#Spirit blade mountain manga sub indo full#

But if you are looking for a light hearted drama to watch after a long day of work or a drama to watch while you're eating in which you don't need to pay full attention for. Rewatch Value 7.0 If you are looking for a serious plot and cannot take lame jokes then I'm sorry.

Spirit blade mountain manga sub indo